
Brand Intelligence

Finished Start: 2024 End: 2024

The Brand Intelligence tool is used for analyzing sentiments of tweets in realtime using twitter API to pull in data based on a query and the location of the area where the tweets are to be analyzed which is performed by reverse geo coding the location input and passing it along in the twitter query. I Used R and tidytext package for analysis and used AFINN lexicon for the polarity of sentiments. and word cloud for vizualizations and created a Shiny Web Application to be hosted on Shiny Server.

R Shiny

Sentiment Analysis

Batch Processing On a Lakehouse Architecture


Objective of this project was to demonstrate implementation of Data Lakehouse Architecture and building batch processing pipelines to provide a curated data for the end user analytics, processed involved ETL and zoning data in a medallion architecture of bronze,silver and gold zones


Batch Processing

Data Lakehouse Architecture